
About Linda Katz

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So far Linda Katz has created 52 blog entries.

Are You Running Away or Moving Towards?

2018-12-12T06:59:29-06:00September 26th, 2018|Embracing the journey|

Oftentimes the wild feminine journey begins with a desire to flee, to escape, to run away. A deep-rooted and yet ambiguous sense that this isn’t it. It’s not the job that we want. Not the place we want to live or the relationship we want to be in. A feeling we can’t shake that this isn’t the person we wanted to be. This leaves us in a predicament because while we know this isn’t exactly the life we want to be living, we often don’t know what that life even looks like. We can’t make out what it is that we want to move toward, and so we feel stuck. We search high and low for that which will spark [...]

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