
I Reclaimed My Wild and Moved to the Suburbs

2021-01-16T17:49:19-06:00October 7th, 2020|Uncategorized|

For much of my young adult life, the suburbs represented everything that I did not want to be or become.  Conformist Cookie cutter Conservative Banal Downright boring As a teenager, I could not wait to get out of Plano, the Dallas suburb that I spent most of my childhood in. I looked at the manicured lawns, the houses lined up in neat little rows, and the women who went to the store in perfect makeup, and I knew this was not somewhere that I fit in. It was not somewhere that I wanted to fit in. I saw no way to stay there and be authentic to myself and also belong.  It was a cage that I longed desperately to [...]

Reclaiming My Wild Rhythm: A Check In

2021-01-16T17:54:33-06:00September 29th, 2020|Uncategorized|

This was my intention at the beginning of the year. With the exception of intermittent spurts of activity (like moving back to Dallas in July), that rhythm has been much slower than in previous years.  With less of the external world pulling at my attention - no dinners with friends, no in person classes or workshops to teach - in many ways life has slowed down and I have slowed down right along with it. When it comes to my work I have allowed myself to take my time, to wait for when things feel right, rather than forcing myself to post on social media or send out a newsletter. This has felt like a time of deep listening, both [...]

Courting Your Wild Feminine

2021-01-16T17:57:15-06:00September 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|

To feel the wildness you long for, to find the truth that you want to speak and the wisdom that you want to own, you have to reclaim the feminine.  But she doesn't respond well to demands or orders or "shoulds". You cannot force the eros energy of the wild feminine into your life; rather you must learn to court her. To evoke her through how you relate to yourself, your body, the natural world, the great mystery, and all that remains outside of your control and logical grasp. These are my favorite three ways to court the untamed energy of Eros back into your life. You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on [...]

Who Were You Before You Became the Good Girl?

2021-01-16T17:58:01-06:00May 6th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Who were you before you became the good girl? Before you inadvertently picked up the voice of the patriarchy and believed it to be your own? Before you were taught who you were allowed to be, what you were allowed to want, and how you were supposed to feel?  I was reading an essay this weekend by Emily Hancock in which she wrote about how those of us who put on the cloak of the pleaser, the good girl, and the achiever must circle back to a time before we were that. A time when we were still whole unto ourselves and our choices and actions stemmed from the simple truth of our being.  I remember this time clearly because I didn't [...]

A Story About Coming Back To Life

2021-01-16T17:58:38-06:00April 29th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Last February, as I was coming in from the yard, something caught the corner of my eye. My sweet little Kimberly Queen Fern. (I have since named her Frannie. Frannie the Fern. It brings me great joy.) For some reason that day, I truly saw her.  And she was a sad sight.  I had bought her in 2015 when we originally moved to Austin. I was so excited. We were moving into a house with a proper yard! After living in one bedroom apartments in LA for over a decade having this outdoor space was such a gift. I wanted this house to feel like a home, so the first plant I brought home was Frannie. I plopped her in a prize spot, [...]

When to Bloom and When Is It Too Soon?

2021-01-16T17:59:35-06:00March 2nd, 2020|Uncategorized|

The Intersection of Visibility, Confidence, and Competence This upcoming weekend we are dancing with the theme of VISIBLE in my Qoya class, and it has had me thinking about this idea of visibility and how it interrelates to both confidence and competence. I have lived and breathed in the solopreneur world for the last six years. For reasons that I am still wrapping my head around, nearly all of my clients have been entrepreneurs, and for us, visibility is understandably a hot topic. We need to be visible, to use our voices, and to take up space in order for people to hear our message. It’s mandatory. And yet, in our fast-paced modern culture, I feel like we have the [...]

My Issue with Affirmations

2021-01-16T18:00:11-06:00January 31st, 2020|Uncategorized|

I am not a big fan of affirmations, y’all.   Most of the time, they just don’t do it for me. One of my biggest wounds has been around embodiment, and healing the deep rift between my mind and my body has been at the center of much of my wild feminine work. In our imbalanced masculine world, the mind is placed firmly on top of the body. This underlying belief can be seen in popular sayings like "mind over matter" and "no pain, no gain". I was in that camp for a long time, and I have seen and felt the consequences of ignoring and bullying my body (and the feelings that reside within it) into submission. Now I long to bring the [...]

Attuning to the Wild Rhythms

2021-01-15T20:59:28-06:00January 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Rocking My New We'Moon Calendar 2018 was my year of the sacred no. I worked on establishing and upholding boundaries with my time and energy. I learned how to pause before responding or automatically saying yes to something I would later regret. 2018 was a year of honoring my limits. 2019 was my year of the holy hell yes (you can read about its wisdom here). My sacred no led me to make way for my yes. Only saying no makes our lives smaller if we forget that its true role is to create space for new energy to come in. I learned to say yes to the opportunities that truly lit me up, even when they stretched me outside [...]

Where Are You In Your Story?

2021-01-15T20:59:28-06:00December 23rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

For the past few months, I have been working on my book, but the structure of it, the bones, kept eluding me. I have a lot of Capricorn in my chart. This means I love a good structure; I feel like it can heighten the content and meaning of what is contained within it. Finally, on the last full moon, I received a download of divine inspiration. I am writing a book on the feminine cycle of transformation. The other side of the hero’s the journey. The moments in our lives where life falls away for a while so that we can access a deeper truth that lives within. I also saw for the first time how this mythical, story-based [...]

Learnings from My Year of Yes

2021-01-15T20:59:28-06:00December 17th, 2019|Uncategorized|

It has been a while since I have written; I hope this post finds you and your loved ones well. How has 2019 unfolded for you? Please feel free drop a comment below, and let me know. At the end of last year, I designated 2019 as my Year of Yes, and when viewed through the filter of that intention, it has been quite the transformational year. But in the mysterious ways of the universe, not entirely in the way that I had imagined. When I named 2019 as my Year of the Holy Hell Yes, I imagined a grand adventure. Expansion. Travel. While that was a part of it, the teachings of saying yes to life have also gone [...]

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