Sistermind Roundtable #1 – People Pleasing

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Do you struggle with people pleasing? Worry about how others will see you? Will 2024 be the year to shift this pattern and come home more deeply to yourself?

Join me and my business besties, including feminist money maven Laura Gates-Lupton, Nope Coach Suzanne Culberg, the Showgirl Shaman Kellita Maloof, witchy healer Larisa Noonan, and creative powerhouse Karen Light as we each share our thoughts, tips, and experiences on how to recover from people pleasing.

To me, pleasing is a key facet of the Good Girl energy, which keeps our wise & wild soul essence trapped and contained. I will be sharing how the seasonal heroine’s journey back home to ourselves shifts this pattern at a foundational level.

This is a free, no pitch, no sales event; rather it will be jam-packed with feminine wisdom. And unlike other roundtables or summits, you will not be added to all of our email lists when you sign up. 

The people pleasing roundtable will be recorded, but those who attend live will be able to access a bonus Q&A (which will not be recorded).

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