Come home to your wild and soulful self
A six-month virtual one-on-one coaching program, where we will dive deep to reclaim your wild soul
The Deepening…
You long for a life that feels soulful, meaningful, and magical, one where you feel at home and alive within yourself.
At one point, you were full of inspiration and fire for life, but you can never seem to hold onto that feeling for more than a few brief moments. And lately, things have started to feel more arid and brittle than juicy and supple.
If you are reading this, though you long for wildness, I suspect that you feel mostly just tired. Or if you’re honest with yourself, really fucking exhausted. You have been trying SO HARD.
And you’re beginning to realize just how far away from the core of yourself you have wandered, and you have no idea how to get back.
This is where Homecoming: The Deepening begins: with the realization that on some deep level you don’t feel at home within yourself. And what you most long for is a journey that only you can take: the one back to your own wild and natural self. Homecoming is a six-month, one-on-one coaching offer where we will work together in a deep and intimate container, meeting every other week via Zoom (or over the phone), to explore the blockages that keep your soulful waters from running free and what secret yearnings your soul is whispering to you in the dead of night.
The Blossoming…
Or maybe you’ve been on this inner journey for quite some time; one could say that you and the underworld have become well-acquainted. You have received tremendous gifts from this deep dive. You know yourself better than ever before. You have separated the voice of your wild soul from the Good Girl, Rebel, and Tyrant King within.
But now, something new seems to be stirring deep within your being and you sense a soulful emergence is afoot.
You long to happen to the world in different and enlivening ways! After the fall and wintertime journeys, you long to emerge into the spring and summertime of your life, humbly holding your hard-earned gifts in-hand. Your offering might be a book, a series of paintings, a garden, or a new program; the form that your medicine takes is less important than the fact that it is an energetically aligned offering of your soul.
Linda is not currently offering one-on-one coaching at this time. If the approach described above feels resonant for you, please read my book Homecoming: One Woman’s Story of Dismantling the Inner Cage and Freeing Her Wild Feminine Soul
I want to Embody my Wise & Wild Woman!
Uncage the Wildness Within
Registration opens February 2022
If you have any questions, please email me at!