Qoya is movement as medicine, movement with meaning. It is based on the idea that through movement, we remember. We remember more of our true essence as women as being WISE, WILD, and FREE. Wise, wild, and free also draws reference to the three types of movement we practice in every Qoya class. Wise for the wisdom traditions of yoga, wild for the creativity inherent in dance, and free for the freedom to feel pleasure in our bodies through feminine, sensual movement.
Qoya is open to women of ALL skill levels. No previous dance or yoga experience is required! There are no levels in Qoya, and one of the wonderful things about this practice is that it doesn’t matter what it LOOKS like to anyone else. What matters is how it feels in your own body. There is also no way to do Qoya wrong; the way that you know you are doing it right, is that it FEELS GOOD to you. Even more important than it feeling good, is that it resonates as TRUE.